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Satisfactory Academic Policy (SAP)

Maintain Eligibility for Financial Aid


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards are published and are reasonably applied for measuring whether an otherwise eligible student is making SAP in the VEEB School of Practical Nursing Program. In order to maintain eligibility for financial aid, students must make adequate academic progress toward his/her Certificate of Achievement.

Process Overview

Federal regulations require all schools participating in state and federal financial aid, Title IV, and HEA programs to monitor SAP. These standards are applicable to all students enrolled in the Professional Program and are used to measure their satisfactory progress toward graduation. The policy is provided to all students prior to the first class session and is consistently applied to all students. Evaluations are maintained in students’ files.

New SAP definitions went into effect on July 1, 2011. VEEB School of Practical Nursing developed policies to determine the academic standards that students must meet and constructed a means and a schedule for measuring the achievement of Quantitative and Qualitative standards. Students must complete the program within 150% of the maximum allowable time frame criterion to measure students’ SAP.

SAP standards are established by the faculty in consultation with the Nursing Supervisor and the Financial Aid Officer. Students must maintain SAP according to the following standards in order to continue enrollment. SAP is measured at the end of each semester and will be checked prior to disbursement of aid.

Grade Reporting

  • Students will receive periodic written evaluations of clinical performance that must be signed by the student and instructor and returned to the student’s folder in the nursing office.
  • Progress meetings will be held throughout the program to determine student performance. Students who demonstrate difficulty, or have an academic average below 70 will be interviewed by a member of the faculty committee, given a mid-semester warning in writing, and subject to academic probation. Cumulative grades and attendance will be issued to all students at the close of each semester.
  • One student copy of the transcript with all final grades will be issued to each student upon request, following graduation. The faculty strongly suggests that each student keep a record of his/her grades and attendance during the program. If discrepancies occur, the student should arrange for an appointment with the faculty or the Counselor.
  • Students with failing academic averages may voluntarily withdraw from the VEEB PN Program at any time.

Academic Policies

  1. All students enrolled in the Practical Nursing program must achieve a passing will receive a Pass/Fail for each classroom course every semester.
  2. All students must achieve a pass in each clinical rotation every semester.
  3. Students who withdraw from the PN Program, regardless of the reason, will be given an exit interview by the faculty.

Honor Roll

  1. A grade of 75 in each classroom course
  2. An overall program average of 89.5 or above
  3. Satisfactory performance in all clinical courses
Additionally, evaluations for SAP are conducted at the following actual clocked hours:
Semester 1
450 clock hours
Semester 2
450 clock hours
Semester 3
210 clock hours

Quantitative Pace Measure and Maximum Time Frame

VEEB School of Practical Nursing SAP policies contain a Pace measure. Students must progress through the program at a sufficient pace to ensure completion within the maximum ragtime of 150% of the published length of cumulative clock hours.

The maximum time for students to complete the Professional Program is as follows:

Normal Clock Hours Maximum Clock Hours
Clock Hours 1,110
Practical Nursing Program (full time) 1,665