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Title IX Policies and Procedures

“No person in the U.S. shall, on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)


The Vocational Education and Extension Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs, regardless of an individual’s real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Female, male, and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and staff are protected from any sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence.

The Vocational Education and Extension Board Title IX Coordinators manage the policies and procedures related to Title IX, ensure compliance with respect to Title IX, and investigate and respond to complaints of sex-based discrimination and/or crimes.

Sex-based discrimination includes but is not limited to, discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs. It also encompasses sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, and sexual violence. Sexual violence includes attempted or completed rape or sexual assault, as well as sexual harassment, stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, verbal or physical sexuality-based threats or abuse, and intimate partner violence.

​Harassing conduct rises to the level of discrimination when the conduct is so severe or persistent that it creates a hostile environment that interferes with a student’s ability to benefit from the educational program or activity. One incident of sexual violence can result in discrimination.

Grievance Procedure

The Vocational Education and Extension Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs, regardless of an individual’s real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression. Female, male, and gender noåIn the event a sex-based discrimination incident or crime occur, the victim should take the following steps:

  • Report the offense to the appropriate Title IX Coordinator, depending on location or distance education.
  • In instances of sex-based crimes, preserve any evidence as may be necessary to the proof of the criminal offense.
  • Request assistance, if desired, from school administration in reporting a sex-based crime to local law enforcement agencies.
  • Request a change in the academic situation if necessary.

Every incident will be investigated to determine the cause and the steps needed to prevent a recurrence. It shall be the responsibility of the Vocational Education and Extension Board to investigate all sex-based incidents and criminal complaints filed by a student or an employee regardless of where the incident occurred.

Once all facts and details obtained by the Title IX Coordinator from both parties are reviewed, a prompt, impartial, and equitable determination will be made based on proven fact and/or a preponderance of the evidence which concludes that more likely than not the misconduct occurred.

​Both parties will have an opportunity to review and respond to evidence used in the investigation. The institution will disclose to the alleged victim and the accuser simultaneously the final results of the investigation.

If law enforcement is involved in any incident, the Vocational Education and Extension Board will abide by their findings. There will be no appeal process in incidents where law enforcement is involved. If a decision is made internally by a Title IX Coordinator, an appeal may be considered only in extenuating circumstances.

If an Appeal is granted, additional information and documentation shall be provided to the Title IX Coordinator within 10 days of the original determination. Both parties will be notified simultaneously within 30 days of the appeal review of the final determination.
n-conforming students, faculty, and staff are protected from any sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence.

The Vocational Education and Extension Board Title IX Coordinators manage the policies and procedures related to Title IX, ensure compliance with respect to Title IX, and investigate and respond to complaints of sex-based discrimination and/or crimes.

Sex-based discrimination includes but is not limited to, discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs. It also encompasses sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, and sexual violence. Sexual violence includes attempted or completed rape or sexual assault, as well as sexual harassment, stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, verbal or physical sexuality-based threats or abuse, and intimate partner violence.

​Harassing conduct rises to the level of discrimination when the conduct is so severe or persistent that it creates a hostile environment that interferes with a student’s ability to benefit from the educational program or activity. One incident of sexual violence can result in discrimination.

Title IX Coordinator:

Tara Batine, Student Counselor [email protected]
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights Washington, DC 20202 Office for Civil Rights and the Title IX Coordinator’s names and contact information is listed on our website at VEEBPNPROGRAM.ORG, and is also posted at the school listed above.

Any and all sex-based crimes on campus are subject to action by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies.

The Vocational Education and Extension Board will promptly investigate any sex-based incident regardless of whether a victim decides to report the incident to law enforcement. However, if such an incident is reported to law enforcement as a result of the type and/or seriousness of such an incident, the Vocational Education and Extension Board will not wait for the conclusion of a criminal proceeding and will conclude its own investigation within a semester’s time. Any student or employee convicted of a sex-based crime will result expulsion from the school for a student and termination of employment for an employee.

​The Vocational Extension and Education Board will take immediate action to ensure victims of such crimes can continue their education free of ongoing sex discrimination or sexual harassment, and will not retaliate against anyone filing a complaint.