The Practical Nursing Program at the Vocational Education and Extension Board serves a diverse group of multi-cultural adults and takes into consideration the special needs of individual learners.
The curriculum is taught within a context that considers the rapidly changing evolving nature of a highly complex and technological society. It promotes upward educational mobility by serving as a basis for higher continuing education and advanced training.
The Vocational Board received state approval for its Practical Nursing Program in 1963 and has conducted a variety of health career programs since that time. Today, the program is offered in three terms over a span of eleven months. After completing Semester I, students have the opportunity to sit for the Nursing Assistant Certification Exam. After successful completion of the PN program, the graduate is awarded a certificate of completion and may take a state licensing examination.
Philosophy and Objectives
The faculty of Vocational Education and Extension Board’s Practical Nursing Program believes a democratic society is composed of diverse, multi-cultural individuals, who have in common the basic physiological and psychosocial needs, described by Abraham Maslow. Each person is a unique individual with dignity and worth.
As individuals progress through the life cycle, they are responsible for making decisions about their health and welfare. It is a function of social institutions to respect individual differences, to support individual rights and freedoms, and to promote individual growth and development.
Nursing is an art and a science, which is learned. Its essence is embedded in human caring. Nursing is practiced according to an organized, systematic process, which addresses the healthcare needs of individuals, their families, and their communities. The nursing plan of care acknowledges powerful environmental or social forces, which influence the self-actualization of individuals. Nursing activities are designed to help individuals maintain wellness, cope with illness or die a peaceful death. The practical nurse is a valuable member of the health care team and practices under the supervision of a physician or registered nurse. The practical nurse uses the nursing process and performs general nursing duties, which meet the basic healthcare needs in a variety of healthcare settings.
The teaching/learning process is based on a collaborative relationship, which focuses on the learner’s needs and past experiences. The teacher serves as a model of caring behaviors and has a professional responsibility to facilitate self-direction. Successful nursing education requires a good basic educational foundation and is dependent upon skillful guidance in learning the necessary body of knowledge. The practical nursing curriculum provides a base for higher education and fosters the concept of career mobility. The faculty believes participation in continuing education demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and is a necessary ingredient for nursing excellence.

Upon completion of the Practical Nursing Program, the graduate will be able to:
- Practice nursing care, which meets the basic needs of individuals in a variety of healthcare situations.
- Use the nursing process when performing the duties of practical nursing.
- Meet the requirements for the National Council Licensing Examination in practical nursing.
- Demonstrate professional qualities and characteristics essential to the role of the practical nurse.
- Identify learning as self-motivation, lifelong responsibility, and process through continuing educational activities.
- Participate in organizations and community activities, which promote and maintain health.